Tytuł: Odp: David Icke, Credo Mutwa, Chris Everard Wiadomość wysłana przez: Leszek Październik 02, 2008, 09:37:17 Dwa filmy po angielsku dotyczÂące kwestii sumeryjskich zapiskĂłw na temat Annunakich.
1) Reptilian-Annunaki HistoryWielkoœÌ: 36MB Description: this is a little video clip of the sumerian text tablets describing how we were created,and how every culture believes they also were created by a reptilian race,and how the bloodlines of presidents go back to ancient history,a great worth watching clip. http://tracker.conspiracycentral.net/torrents-details.php?id=2293 ****************** 2. The AnnunakiWielkoœÌ: 25MB Description: another great video of ancient history and the sumerian text,describing the annunaki,and how they explain the creation of us,great http://tracker.conspiracycentral.net/torrents-details.php?id=2294 |