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Autor W±tek: Odp: ¦WIAT ENERGII  (Przeczytany 1454 razy)
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« : Grudzieñ 12, 2008, 12:57:31 »

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Tachyon Energy Pt. III

The Physics of Tachyon

In quantum physics, the energy that fills the cosmos is called "Zero-Point Energy." Formless, faster than the speed of light, and omnipresent, Zero-Point Energy is infinitely intelligent and contains everything needed to create perfect form. It has no spin, frequency or oscillation. It has no gravitational pull.

Tachyon Energy is omnipresent, limitless and has all the potential information to create perfect form in the universe. Just like Zero-Point Energy, Tachyon Energy has no spin, oscillation or frequency and is not affected by gravity. The real difference between Tachyon Energy and zero-Point Energy is that Tachyon Energy has form. A simple analogy can be seen if one thinks of the ocean in all its vastness. The ocean contains an infinite number of droplets within it; yet like Zero-Point energy, it is formless. If you were to remove on drop from the ocean, that drop would still contain everything within the ocean, but now it has form. Likewise, Tachyon Energy contains everything that exists within Zero-Point Energy, but now it has form.

The condensation of Zero-Point Energy into Tachyon energy is the beginning of the "Energetic Continuum," which is directly responsible for all forms on the planet. The next step in this Energetic Continuum is best explained in simplified terms of physics.

For this explanation we will explore the interaction of Tachyon energy with the "Lepton Family of Particles."

Subtle Organizing Energy Fields

The first elementary particle in the Lepton Family is a pion. The pion exists below the speed of light and has a consistent, mathematically computable orbit. We call this orbit a "Subtle Organizing Energy Field" or SOEF for short. SOEFs exist just below the speed of light and are directly responsible for converting Tachyon Energy into the frequencies required to evolve, organize and create perfect form. All forms are comprised of different frequencies. The SOEFs convert Tachyon Energy into the particular frequencies needed by a particular form. In this case, the SOEF we’re discussing holds the pion in its orbit. The pion’s SOEF, existing just below the speed of light, interacts with faster-than-light Tachyon. As the Tachyon Energy is converted into the pion’s frequency by the SOEF, the pion evolves in an instant into a muon. The new muon has an orbit, which is 10 times larger than that of a pion. The muon’s SOEF still exists just below the speed of light. As the SOEF of the muon interacts with Tachyon, the orbit once again expands, and the muon evolves in an instant into an electron. This new electron has an orbit that is 207 times larger than the muon’s. This continual process of SOEFs converting Tachyon into the needed frequencies does not stop here, of course.

This process continues all the way down through the Energetic Continuum. Ultimately, the process continues until the perfect form is reached; whether it be a human being or any other form known to exist. Tachyon Energy is the binding energy of the universe. It is responsible for the creation of all forms on the planet. Most importantly, Tachyon Energy is the key element in the flow of energy from the infinitely formless all the way down to the perfect form. This is the Energetic Continuum.

Energetic Continuum - Click to see full sized view
Click to see full sized view

As with all forms in our slower-than-light universe, SOEFs cannot exceed the speed of light. This is a very important point. Our world is a world or of form; therefore, the only way for a world of form to interface with formless Zero-Point Energy is through Tachyon.

Tachyon Energy, in itself, has stored all the information needed to create a perfect Energetic Continuum in every individual form of life. Everything that transpires in the human body, for example, already exists within Tachyon in perfect form. An excellent example of this is seen in the animal kingdom. It has been observed that animals which are not influenced in any way by human beings live completely healthy lives. Mammals, for example, have a life span that is up to seen times their growth period. For a human being. That would mean 140 years of a perfectly healthy life. Of the 40,000 chronic and degenerative diseases known in human medicine, only a few are known to exist in wild animals! This is because wild animals do not have the ability to block the Energetic Continuum, thus creating deficiencies and diseases.

The Energetic Continuum is the continual flow of energy from unlimited Zero-point Energy contracting into its faster-than-light Tachyon form. Tachyon Energy then interacts with the SOEFs. Becoming energized, the SOEFs convert into whatever frequencies are needed to bring balance to the being. This action ultimately creates the energetic matrix from which all physical forms are structured. The Energetic Continuum ranges from infinite, formless expansion to finite contraction of form.

Once we understand how this continuum exists and functions, we can understand the influence of blockages in the flow of energy down through the continuum.

From the holistic healing point of view, complete healing is an integration of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Living beings evolve in a continuous upward spiral of order to chaos (and/or disease). The energy spiral continues through the chaos to higher levels of order. Chaos is a stepping stone from one level of order to the next higher level. Every living being experiences this process of energy flow whether or not they are aware of it.

Tachyon Energy is the key to moving through chaos and stress in our daily lives; creating new levels of order and quality of life. Tachyonized tools significantly contribute to achieving near-perfect energetic balance at all levels. The use of Tachyon not only presents a fully holistic model of healing, but a process by which all living beings can move towards radiant health and communion with All That Is.


Energetic Arts

Tachyon Energy Main Page

Tachyon Energy Pt. I

Tachyon Energy Pt. II

Tachyon Energy Pt. III

Tachyon Energy Pt. IV

Tachyon Energy Pt. V

Tachyon Energy Pt. VI

Tachyon Energy Pt. VII

Tachyon Store

    If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on anything in this portion of the website send an email to and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

    © 1999, Advanced Tachyon Technologies

PLEASE NOTE: Nothing in these pages are intended to constitute medical advice or treatment.
Tachyonized™ products are designed to accompany, rather than constitute, your total healthcare program.
Please consult your physician for medical advice and treatment.

©1998 Lightworker Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.
Karuna Reiki is a registered trademark of the Center for Reiki Training. Tera-Mai is a  registered trademark of Kathleen Milner. Urevia is a
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